About me

I joined The Running Channel in 2023 as Campaigns Manager and soon after that I became a presenter! My first ever video was a challenge where we had to run up and down Snowdon as many times as we could as a team of four in 24 hours with Sarah, Mo and James, so it’s safe to say we got to know each other well that weekend!

The main part of my job involves organising our community events, which goes from run clubs to our London Marathon pop-up shop to planning bigger team events, like the time we ran from London to the Wirral.

In 2024, I finally ran a sub-three hour marathon and now want to focus on more ultrarunning and getting back to the trails. Don’t worry though, I am not done with my faster marathons – I’ll be back!

My favourite type of runs are those chatty runs with friends on a sunny day and a big old brunch afterwards.