How Many Runs A Week Should You Do For Marathon Training?

Most runners will train for at least 16 weeks to run a marathon. As you progress through the different phases of marathon training, you are improving your cardio fitness and your capacity to run further and faster, all building up to race day.
But how many runs should you do each week while marathon training? Is there a minimum number of runs to do each week for marathon training?
If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to marathon training, then here’s our complete guide to everything you need to know about marathon training.
Look at your marathon training plan and you’ll see several different types of runs listed and many plans use RPE as a guide, which is Rate of Perceived Exertion on a scale of 1 (walking) to 10 (running as fast as you possibly can). Here’s what the different runs mean, and why they are important to add into your training.
- Easy run. The type of run you should do most often. An easy conversational effort. RPE 3-4.
- Long run. Your longest run each week. In marathon training, this may get as long as three or four hours. RPE varies: to begin it’ll be an easy run of 3-5, but later (if you’re aiming for a particular pace) it may be RPE 4-7.
- Steady run. Slightly quicker than an easy run but not as hard as a tempo. RPE 5.
- Tempo. A continuous steady effort from 15-60 minutes. RPE 6-7.
- Threshold. Faster runs, but at a controlled pace. A classic session would be 8 x 1k with one or two minutes rest. RPE 6-7.
- Fartlek. These alternate faster and slower running without any rest or recovery, so you might do three minutes fast, three minutes slow, for 30 minutes. RPE 6-7 for fast, and 3-4 for slow.
- Intervals. For most marathon runners, these are typically shorter and faster than a threshold run. Think 10 x 400m, or 10 x 2 minutes, with recovery after each rep. RPE 8-9.
- Strides/hill sprints. Short and very hard runs where you approach your fastest speed. RPE 8-9. These are often added at the end of an easy run.
The amount you run each week will gradually increase through your marathon training block.
If you run three times per week, then you may run 30-50km (18-30 miles) in your peak week. If you’re doing six runs per week then you may run 80-120km (50-75 miles). You have to find the volume that works best for you, and that you can safely tolerate and also recover from.
If you’re aiming for faster times, then studies have shown that marathon finish times correlate with training volume, and the more you run during training, the faster your finish time is likely to be on average. But that doesn’t mean you should try and run really far each week without gradually building up to it. It could take you several years of slowly building up to get to weeks of 80km/50 miles.
There’s no single answer to this question, and instead you have to find the number that works for you, your fitness and your life balance. But there is a minimum number of runs that you should aim for each week.
You should try to run at least three times per week in marathon training. If you can consistently do three runs, then you’ll be able to gradually increase your running volume and that’ll be the best way to help prepare you for your race.
The caveat here is that you shouldn’t run if you are injured or feel discomfort when you run. It’s always best to rest a niggle or injury, and seek advice from a sports physiotherapist. You could try cross-training instead of running if you can do it pain free.
Most training plans for beginners and more experienced runners will have between three and six runs each week, while elite marathoners may do around 10 runs per week.
If you’re able to run four to six times per week, then there could be performance benefits over running just three times per week, but only if you can fit the running into your schedule, and can manage the recovery.
Typically you’ll do one easy run, one faster run and one long run.
Faster runs include tempo, threshold, fartlek and intervals. You’ll likely alternate between different types of faster runs in your training programme.
If you do three runs per week, then consider adding another day of cross-training to help add more cardio volume to your training (elliptical or cycling are good choices). This will help you to become fitter alongside the running.
Do your best to not skip any runs if you only do three per week, and always prioritise the long run – that’ll be the most important run you do each week.
Typically you’ll do two easy runs, one faster run, and your long run.
As you hit the peak weeks you may swap one of the easy runs for a faster session, making it two harder days each week. But only go to two if you find that you can recover well enough to feel good for your long run.
Typically this will be two easy runs, two faster runs and your long run.
You need to make sure you get the right balance of running and rest here, and always leave at least one day (an easy day or rest day) between the two faster sessions.
During the peak phase of training your long run may include blocks at goal marathon pace (e.g. 20k easy, then 10k at goal pace). If so, consider changing one of your midweek fast runs to an easy run, or you’ll be pushing a lot of harder intensity in the week.
Typically three easy runs, two faster sessions and one long run.
Some runners who do six runs per week will do a ‘double day’, meaning they will run twice on one day. That’ll be a morning run and then one in the evening. You could do two easy runs in one day, one easy and one harder, or you could even try a ‘double threshold’, meaning two threshold workouts in one day, but that’s something to build up to gradually as it can be a lot of intensity to handle.
In a six day week, you need to make sure your rest day is as restful as possible (basically do nothing!), and you must ensure you’re getting enough sleep in the week and have excellent nutrition. If you start to struggle with sleep, or find you have additional stress in your life, then consider an extra rest day.
If you’re running seven times or more per week, then that means you are likely running doubles, so having a morning run and an evening run at least once per week.
No matter how many times you’re running, the training should still have an 80/20 balance to it, meaning 80% of your running volume is at an easy pace, and 20% is harder.
It’s important to get the rest and recovery your body needs. While some runners doing seven or more runs per week will run every day, many others take at least one full rest day each week.
Cross-training can be a great addition to your marathon training, and it can also be something good to do if you’re feeling a little niggle or soreness.
Some runners find that they are injury-prone if they run more than three or four times per week, so cross-training can be a great way to add fitness without the impact of running.
The best forms of cross-training will be those that use a similar motion, or similar muscles, to running. The elliptical, Arc trainer and cycling are all good. Hiking can also be good as it can get you a lot of time on feet.
You could add swimming or pool running for extra cardio fitness without any ground impact.
If you are replacing a run with cross-training, then to get the same training benefit and volume you may need to spend slightly longer cross-training than you would running (so a 45 minute run may equate to 60 minutes on the elliptical or bike).
It’s good advice to also add in a 30-45 minute strength training session once or twice a week during marathon training. You should fit in into your running wherever you can, though avoid doing it after long runs as you’ll be too fatigued. Start with bodyweight exercises and progress to adding weights, if you can.
While running may be the main focus of your training, you should take equal interest in how you rest and recover.
Try to prioritise getting enough sleep. Focus on quality nutrition before, during and after runs. Manage your stress, or reduce your training volume. Don’t ignore niggles. Do some stretching and yoga. Foam roll, book a massage, go to the sauna, even jump in an ice bath if you like that sort of thing.
Building up to a marathon is much more than just the runs you do each week, and it’s during rest that we recover and feel ready to run again tomorrow.
If you’ve run a marathon, then how many runs did you do per week?

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