The Running Channel’s Favourite Website Articles 2024

We published hundreds of articles in 2024, from breaking news to shoe reviews, feature stories with famous runners, and a lot of posts about marathons.
Here are our favourite and our most popular website articles from 2024.
“Failure Doesn’t Mean The End” | Jim Walmsley
We went to Chamonix to meet ultrarunning legend Jim Walmsley. He’d recently won Western States and was preparing to try and do something he’d never done before: winning the Western States and UTMB double in the same year. Throughout his career, Jim has shown perseverance to come back from failures to ultimately succeed. Would he be able to do that in 2024?
Cole Hocker Shocks The World
The men’s 1500m Olympic final was one of the most fun events to write about this summer. We had most of the story written, and just needed to put in the details of whether it was Ingebrigtsen or Kerr who won, so when it was Cole Hocker who got the gold, it needed a very quick rewrite. The men’s 100m final also took some quick typing to turnaround the story of the fastest race of all time.
The Man Who Ran 1,000 Marathons!
We spoke to Steve Edwards soon after he’d run his 1,000th marathon. We wanted to know what it meant to dedicate so much time and energy to running marathons. Perhaps most interesting – and revealing of Steve’s character – is when he said: “I can honestly say, hand-on-heart, that I’ve pushed myself as hard as I possibly can over all those marathons.” He wasn’t just trying to reach a certain number; he ran hard in every race. And that’s incredible.
What Should Your Longest Run Be In Marathon Training?
This was one of the most-read articles on the website this year, so it seems that a lot of people want to know what it takes to train for a marathon. Are you planning on running a marathon in 2025? If so, take a look at this piece! A lot of people also wanted to know How Long Is A Marathon, and we answered that and went into the fascinating history of why a marathon came to be the exact length it is today.
The World Marathon Majors are always a popular topic on The Running Channel website. How To Get Into The Marathon Majors and What Are The Major Marathon Qualifying Times? were two of the most popular stories we posted in 2024. If you’re hoping to run some or all of the Majors, then take a look at those stories!
Based on some great videos we made this year, What Happens To Your Body When You Run 5km? and What Happens When You Run A Marathon? had a lot of people wondering what really happens to your body when you run.
Do’s & Don’t’s Of Tapering For A Marathon
We wrote this one to help prepare people for the days leading up to their marathon. No matter whether it’s your first marathon or you’ve run dozens of them, having a successful taper can be the difference between a great race and a tough race. Just watch out for the Marathonia!
How To Improve Your VO2 Max in 60 Days
Get fit quick is the dream in this one! We look at what your VO2 Max really means and the types of running workouts you can do to improve your VO2 Max in a couple of months. As part of this, we also looked at How Accurate Is VO2 Max On Your Watch? (the TL;DR: it’s pretty good!)
Legal Performance Enhancers For Runners
This was a fun piece to write, and looks at all the ways a runner could legally try and improve their performance by the supplements, training techniques and recovery protocols they use.
We’ve written stories about running in the cold, running when it’s hot, and running at night. We’ve covered all the running world records of 2024, extraordinary feats of endurance, and inspiring stories from those who didn’t finish first. We wrote about some of our favourite running shoes, our favourite 5km workouts, and we even explained every type of run. And you can expect much more in 2025!
Getty Images / Jewel Samad
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