What Should You Eat Before A Run?

Whether you run before breakfast, on your lunch break or after work, food gives us the energy we need to be able to complete our run.
We’ve got some good tips on what to eat before a run and when to eat before a run, plus foods to avoid before running.
Yes, you should eat before a run – at least most runs. Food is what fuels your exercise, and without fuel it’s going to be harder to keep going.
This energy can help you to perform better, to delay fatigue (so you can run further), and to help you to recover better afterwards.
It doesn’t matter how long your run is, you should consume something to give you the energy you need for your run. The amount you eat will depend on how far you are running; if it’s an easy 30-60 minute run then a small snack will be fine for most people, but if it’s a three hour long run or a long race then you’ll need something more substantial.
You should primarily consume carbohydrates before exercise, as this is the main fuel we use as runners (so save the protein for after the run). Carbs include foods like bread, bagels, rice, oatmeal, honey and fruit.
Ideally yes, as it’s always good advice to have a little bit of extra energy for your run.
But some people don’t like to eat very early in the morning, or they feel like they can run without needing to eat.
For short runs, it may be enough for you to have a glass of water or cup of coffee, and you’ll feel fine during the run. But this is something that is an individual preference.
Yes, you should also drink water before a run. It’s important to go into every run well-hydrated as dehydration can make the run feel much more challenging.
If it’s a hot day, or if you’re a heavy sweater, then add electrolytes to your drink. And you could make an effort to increase the amount of water you drink the day before a longer or hotter run so that you don’t start the day dehydrated.
You should carry water with you if it’s a hot day, if you have a hard workout, or if you’re running for more than 60 minutes. You could also carry energy drink instead of water, if you prefer.
If it’s a short run and you’re having a snack like an energy bar or banana, then most runners can have that 30-60 minutes before running without any issues.
Morning runners may like to get up, grab a snack, and be out the door within 30 minutes. If that’s you, then you’ll need to find the food which works best for you. A spoon of sugar in your tea may be enough (that’s what the Kenyans do!), or even just a handful of dried fruit and nuts.
If you’re having something more substantial (like a bagel or bowl of oatmeal) then leave at least two hours after eating before you run. Some runners like to leave three or more hours if it’s a larger meal.
If you’re going on a long run, or have a race, then you should have a pre-run breakfast two to three hours before you run. You will also want to have a high-carbohydrate meal the day before the run (especially if you’re carb loading).
It’s important to practise these pre-run foods before race day to find out what foods feel and taste good to you.
On a long run or race day, aim for a breakfast with 400-500 calories (75-125g of carbs). Those calories can be a combination of food and drink, but prioritise simple carbohydrates.
Some popular pre-long run foods include:
- 2-3 slices of bread or toast
- 1-2 bagels
- Oatmeal or overnight oats
- Plain white rice
- Baked/boiled potatoes or sweet potatoes
- Large bowl of cereal
- Energy bars
- Energy drink
You may want to add toppings to these foods. Try banana, jam, honey and maple syrup for extra carbs, or nut butter, avocado or egg for fat and protein (these fats and proteins are satiating, so you’re less likely to feel hungry, but still focus on carbs). You may also want to add some salt depending on what you’re eating.
If you’re going for a morning run then you’ll want a small snack to give you some energy – you want to be fuelled, but won’t want to feel like you have a full stomach.
Aim for 100-300 calories (20g-50g carbs), 30-60 minutes before you run. If you’re in a hurry then you could take an energy gel or a spoon or two of honey a few minutes before you run.
- Banana or apple with peanut butter
- Slice of toast or half a bagel (with peanut butter, jam or avocado)
- Some rice cakes (with peanut butter, jam or avocado)
- Two handfuls of dried fruits and nuts
- Energy bar (but not a protein bar) or flapjack
- Fruit or green smoothie
- Energy drink
- Energy gel or chews, or honey or maple syrup
- Tea or coffee with a spoon or two of sugar
If you prefer to run in the afternoon or evening, then you’ll have had breakfast and lunch before you end up running. Below we look at foods to avoid before a run, and you’ll want to have a lunch that sits well in your stomach and doesn’t cause discomfort. A sandwich, baked potato, rice or pasta can all work.
If you have lunch four or five hours before you run, then have one of the snacks above before you go for a run.
In general you want to avoid eating too much too soon before a run, or you’ll feel discomfort in your stomach. Leave at least two or three hours between eating a larger meal and going for a run.
Each runner will have different foods which they can easily digest, and others which don’t sit so well and lead to stomach ache, wind or needing to run to the nearest toilet.
If you are sensitive to any of these foods, then avoid them directly before running and avoid them the evening before.
Common food and drink to avoid include:
- Beans, lentils and other legumes
- High fibre foods, so choose simple carbs like white bread over wholegrain
- Very spicy food
- Certain vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, onions and garlic
- Fermented foods
- Fatty and fried foods
- High protein foods (fine the evening before, but on the day save them for after the run)
- Fizzy drinks before a run
- Alcohol – you should never exercise directly after consuming alcohol
Soon after finishing a run, we should refuel with a mix of carbohydrates and protein.
The carbs will get the energy back that you’ve burnt, and the protein will help your muscles to recover and rebuild. Try to consume whole food sources if you can, but recovery shakes and protein shakes can be more convenient.
Failing to adequately refuel after exercise can lead to delayed recovery, and even an increase in injury risk.
It’s good to try and eat extra on days that you train, but aim for roughly the same amount of additional calories as you burned during exercise.
For example, if you do a 10k run, that’s around 500-700 calories for most people. So on top of your usual daily calorie intake, you want to have that much extra.
What’s your go-to pre-run food?
Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

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