Infinite Elite: Believe That You Can, Decide That You Will  - The Running Channel Advertisement

Infinite Elite: Believe That You Can, Decide That You Will 

BY: Mark Dredge
03 May 2024

In partnership with Under Armour

“There’s something really special about races,” says Jess. “Everyone is there to do their best, and everyone’s best means something personal to them,” she says. “It makes me really emotional.” 

With a week to go until Jess runs La Cursa El Corte Inglés 10K in Barcelona, her tough training tapers towards race day. She’s physically prepared, so now she’s focusing on being mentally ready. 

Lucky Charms, Paella and Porridge

Jess has been training for this 10K for three months, and she’s worn the same trainers for every single run: Under Armour’s Infinite Elite. 

“Every time I put them on I know I’m doing a training session towards this race,” Jess says. “They’ve been there for all my easy sessions and my speed sessions. They’ve helped me recover but also helped me do the hard work that gets me towards this PB,” she says. “That consistency is a lucky charm that I’m taking with me to the race.”

The running kit has also been a consistent support for her during the build up, especially as the seasons change. 

“The kit has got me through all the cold sessions in the winter, then as it’s come into spring I’ve taken layers off and I’m good to go in the warmer weather,” she says. Ahead of the 10K, Jess ran one final faster session at race pace in her exact race day outfit, so she has full confidence in how it works for her.

As she tapers to the race, Jess is focusing on ensuring she’s well-organised for the run, knowing the route and how to get to the start line. She’ll also be making sure she’s well-rested and well-fuelled. As it’s Barcelona, the Running Channel team have booked to go for a paella the night before, while the next morning Jess will stick with her favourite pre-race breakfast: porridge. As runners, having full confidence in your shoes, your kit and your breakfast is really important for race day.

Believe that you can, decide that you will

Jess told us before that she’s been visualising the race, and she’s also found a mantra to help her focus: “believe that you can, decide that you will.”

To her it means that she’s choosing what’s possible for herself, not just on race day, but in every run and every hard session that led to this point. “If you’re strong enough to get to this point, you’re strong enough to keep going. That carries me through a race as it’s mental strength that gets you through the physical pain.” And that’s something she’s good at. 

“I’m not necessarily as physically strong as other people, but mentally I can push myself through physical barriers more than some people would. If I’m in a lot of pain in the race, I’ll do everything I can to push through that.” 

In the final week, Jess will run some intervals at her race pace to feel that speed in her legs, and then she’ll enjoy a few rest days. She’ll do a short run in Barcelona the day before the race, just to shake out her legs from the travel, and familiarise herself with the Spanish sunshine. But this is all just to make her feel ready. “It’s no longer training at that point,” she says. “I’ve already done everything I can.”

It’s time to race. 

Follow Jess’s progress and be one of the first to see her race attempt by heading to our YouTube channel, and you can see more 10K tips on our Instagram page. Jess is racing La Cursa El Corte Inglés 10K in Under Armour Infinite Elite



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